Biking Around Salt Lake City
I recently got a GPS, and have taken it along on a few rides.
Dry Creek
Starting at Popperton Park, up Dry Creek, along the Bonneville
Shoreline trail, and down through the Upper Aves. 7.2 miles,
elevation gain 1615' and loss 1387'.
Shoreline Trail and Avenues
Up memory grove (with the GPS tracking poorly due to tree cover), up
the right wall of City Creek Canyon on the Bonneville Shoreline trail
(a real grunt), down through the upper Aves and past Popperton park,
along 11th Ave, and then zigzagging back through the lower Aves.
Elevation gain/loss 1340'.
City Creek Canyon
From home, up memory grove (not shown, but same as previous ride) and
follow the road all the way to Upper Rotary Park. Bikes are only
allowed on odd numbered days. This is a fun road ride; pretty easy up
until just before the end. 7.5 miles each way, 1915' elevation
To and from work
To work on the best route -- along 3rd Ave and through Federal Heights
-- and back home along 11th Ave and down through Memory Grove. To
work is 2.3 miles with about 350' elevation gain, and the ride home is
5.6 miles, climbs 527', and drops 877'.
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Last modified: Wed Oct 10 09:24:57 MDT 2001